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About me

Hello, I am Freek de With, an independent mechanical design engineer since 1996. To date, I have carried out drafting work for dozens of companies and I am still available (for Dutch companies) as a 3D CAD engineer for process technical installations. Autodesk Inventor is my primary software for creating designs, supplemented by Fusion 360 and other tools.

My expertise covers:

  • Tanks and equipment
  • Piping
  • Complete process skids
  • Frames, stairs, and platforms
  • Pumps and electric motors (using online CAD libraries from suppliers).

In addition, from the very beginning of my 3D CAD drawing journey, I have invested a considerable amount of time and effort in creating 3D CAD libraries. These 3D CAD libraries have proven their value many times in various 3D CAD projects. Through this website, I will also make them available to fellow drafters, so keep an eye on this website!

A service I can offer as of late is converting a 3D CAD model into a 3D Virtual Reality object that can be operated through a web browser. You can find them on various pages on this website.

Have a nice day!